A Woman Who Wanders
A Woman Who Wonders
Will Gelato Taste as Good Without my Dad? - Samantha Childress

Will Gelato Taste as Good Without my Dad? - Samantha Childress

A Woman Who Wonders - Episode 4

This second guest episode of A Woman Who Wonders comes to you from

who I recently connected with here on Substack.

For those of you reading and listening via email or from a direct link, Substack is the platform where I host this podcast, and my blog. It’s full of wonderful, friendly and creative people.

Sam writes Caravanserai with Samantha Childress, a space for the inner journeys that happen in parallel with our real-world excursions. She’s lived in the Middle East for three years—first in Egypt, now in Jordan—as the spouse of a diplomat, after spending her early career in Washington, D.C. She travels, she reflects, she encounters the bumps in the road that are always present with expat life and shares them with us. In short, she is a woman who wanders (and wonders).

This recording is a narration of a written piece titled Chin Up, Moschino. It’s a beautifully moving read, but to hear it read out loud adds multiple new layers of expression and emotion.

Thankfully her experience of Rome sounds miles better than mine!

I hope you enjoy listening. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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A Woman Who Wanders
A Woman Who Wonders
It feels great to have all the answers but sometimes all we have are questions. Join me every Wednesday as I share the questions I've been reflecting on in a voice note. If you like to ponder a question or two as you go about your day, this podcast is for you.
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