Sep 10Liked by Rahma

I loved reading this so much. And makes me extra sad we did not get a chance to talk more when we lived close. I had no idea you also got so much land - how cool! I can very much relate to the whole roots question. I guess for me, I am rooted in my family, the house is just the container holding the plant :-).

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That's a beautiful image Silvia, and allows for the possibility of both roots and movement. I've also been reflecting how, especially in the turbulent times, family, and the sense of belonging in a safe family is such a privilege and a container makes so much possible that just wouldn't be otherwise.

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Sep 13Liked by Rahma

All of this looks so amazing (and challenging, not gonna lie haha)!! Here for the updates!

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Indeed! So amazing and so challenging 😂

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I relate so well to both the wanting to go home but not having a home to go to (despite owning one which was under renovation for three years…) and not being able to speak Italian when my mind is being battered. Having said that, when my husband was in Pronto Soccorso (A and E) recently and i was desperate to see him, I suddenly became completely fluent - speed, pronunciation, the lot!!!!!

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How wonderful! It's such a pleasant surprise when the words just flow out of you from somewhere unknown. Does your home feel like a sanctuary now?

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Yep my love. I know it all well as I continue to wander. This time between Oxford and Cambridge in a hotel again waiting to see if I get the keys to a new place on Sunday.

To add to it all trying to work on Calendly linking with zoom is messing with my nervous system. Reading your latest post has put me at ease for all those carbs I’ve been eating. I need to be kind to myself, it’s ok to enjoy my food what ever it may be right now in this moment.

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Yes Mum, we drown in carbs and then we bounce back! I had a childhood full of nourishing food so the empty calories never satisfy me for long. Just a temporary measure 🩷

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Very familiar with wanting to go home but not being able to and/or not having a home to go to.

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I'm reminded of a friend's favourite Rumi quote: "my soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there" 💚

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Sep 9Liked by Rahma

Such a lovely read. Sounds like you are doing amazingly well

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Loved reading every word, even though I don't know why. It's not my usual taste, to read about that stuff. I guess your writing made it more interesting 🤔

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I love this comment! I'm glad to be surprisingly enjoyable. I hope you're well 🩷

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